Fenix Search

6 TRICKS how to streamline recruitment process in this „covid age“

Current measures mean for a lot of areas of social life many restrictions, including recruitment. Companies are reconsidering their processes, goals and strategies. Maybe now is the right time to reconsidering and adjustment of current HR processes. Here you have a couple of practical tips.

  1. Take advantage of local headhunter´s services

For decades companies in the Czech Republic take advantage of professionals from foreign countries i.e „Expats“ or TOP managers that brings a new view and know-how but worldwide covid measures restrict these options. We recommend establishing a partnership with the Czech local agency of headhunters which knows local trade very well. Local and quality headhunter is the keeper of wide and for years has built a network of contacts of talents and professionals. Close or in driving distance from your company can live many of top talents/ candidates and you can have no idea. Last months showed us that a lot of good ideas, tools and people we can search in our small country. Local recruitment should be the main strategy for the upcoming season.

  1. Are you willing to travel to the customers in this „covid-age“? This should be in your common interview questions

My experience in recent months showed that this question is very necessary for interviews to positions where is usual to travel and contact with customers. Although these activities are in many cases online, there are companies that prefer personal contact. In these cases should be questioned about willingness to travel part of the interview. If you do not ask this question there could be a problem that you find out that candidate does not want to or can not travel. Candidate can be afraid of spreading of disease among his relatives that are at high risk. Then we can only hope that candidate number two is still interested in the job and is willing to travel.

  1. Online assessment centre

If you can not use the services of your partner/ psychologist who realized testing in person or you have never tested candidates, now is the right time to do it. Testing takes place online and the result is an evaluative report which judges necessary professional and personal competencies, productivity and potential for working in the position we are cast. You are minimalizing chance of choosing an improper person and financial or time costs of everybody who are involved.

FENIX SEARCH realizes AC online, for free and for every candidate in the selection procedure. Yes, it is working!

Part of the FENIX´s online recruitment online platform is tool Assessment. Every candidate in the selection procedure fills out an online questionnaire and then a company has available online results. So you will receive the candidate´s CV and results from AC. And as a bonus, you will get a short video where candidate personally introduces himself.

  1. Digitalize and manage information in one place

When was the last time you tried to use a new platform, tool, plugin in HR?

If you give us chance, FENIX will do everything instead of you. We send you login password for shared recruitment platform which provide sharing recruitment for every side of selection procedure anywhere they are. No more sending a CV by e-mail. We save lots of time and no document is lost in a tangle of other e-mails. On our platform, we share CVs, evaluations, results from Assessment centre and candidates´ video presentations. Candidates can be evaluated and compared with others from every part of our world. Process of recruitment takes place transparently, „in time“, safely and reliably.

If you decide to do recruitment on your own, we recommend you these platforms (ATS – applicant tracking system), that are clear for recruitment activities):

Green House – one of the best on the trade, but the price corresponds to the quality
RecruitisDatacruit– Czech app
Recruitee – an international system for small and medium-sized companies
Teamio – app connected to www.jobs.cz
Welcome Kit – app connected to www.welcometothejungle.com/cs

  1. Tools which make your recruitment easier and smarter

Calendly – will help you to plan all of your meetings with other calendars and check availability
Mixmax – is automatized interactive tool, sending e-mails, sharing multimedia content and arranging meetings
Slack – is a communication tool that brings team communication in one place, where you can organize your conversations according to projects, topics or something else
Prophet – an app that allows searching for private and works e-mails
Facebook Search – it opens you a window for searching on Facebook, for better imagination about a candidate
Track – email tracking – it allows watching who and when someone saw your e-mail

Technical blogs for inspiration and news from the world of showbusiness, startups and technologies


  1. Do you already have your Digital Leader in the company/team?

Don´t you or your HR team have enough time for digitalization of processes, you just do not like it or it is far away from you? You can look for someone in your team or in the company who is interested in IT, so-called digital leader. It does not have to be your company IT specialist, it could be a colleague from the secondary department and IT is only his hobby and has „digital thinking“. Try to give him space and opportunity to move your company on.

Wish you good health and mind.

Tereza Nechvílová, FENIX SEARCH

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