Fenix Search

FENIX PERSONAL is a member of the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce

On March 6, 2017, FENIX PERSONAL became a member of the Regional Chamber of Economic Affairs of Brno. “We have great experience in recruiting employees for industrial firms, and it is through RHK membership that we can help these companies,” says FENIX PERSONAL managing director Lucie Sedláčková. As a member of the RHK, we plan to educate ourselves, but also to provide expert advice within organised events and courses. We will draw on information about the labour market, trends and the economy, thereby continually increasing the quality of our work in recruiting. As a Brno company, we want to be in closer contact with other South Moravian companies.

The RHK serves to promote business activities, promote and protect the interests of its members. Members of the Regional Chamber of Economic Affairs are both natural and legal persons engaged in business in diverse areas. It provides consultancy and consulting services to entrepreneurs on business-related issues.

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