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“Ten” Crisis Management of Human Resources

In the January newsletter, I wrote an article about the labour market forecast in 2020. It’s like I haven´t written anything… what we are going to be dealing with is really not clear. But I dare to say that companies have already met or will meet massive dismissals in certain areas of layoffs anytime soon, and again after the “calming of the current situation.” In both cases, it will be necessary to recognise well how many employees to keep or how many new ones to employ. What corporate activities to pursue further and which to abandon. The following is a list of activities that should be kept in mind in times of crisis by both HR managers and corporate owners and managers so that the impact on the numbers and quality of workers is minimised.

I wish everyone that the crisis has the least impact on your business and has only a short duration. I also wish she was, in a way, a reason for the change, growth and new developments.
Lucie Sedláčková


MSc Jaroslav the Scotsman, MBA, crisis manager

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